About this blog

Sometimes in life you ask yourself why things are the way they are. From this point you have different options to find your personal answer to a question.

You can search for other people’s answers in documents, wikis and news and get different answers. Since you only have a limited amount of time in everyday life, you quickly decide on the solution that feels most obvious. Often without considering other perspectives or looking for further information.

I am not free from this trait either. However, when I free myself from the daily grind, I sometimes ask myself questions that cannot be answered in the usual news of my day, or new questions arise from the facts and opinions of an article.

While I used to discard these questions relatively quickly, I have now decided to collect, document and track them regularly. This blog is intended to be a documentation of my personal research on some choosen topics for the future. I do not focus on any subject areas and I do not guarantee the correctness and neutrality of conclusions or sources mentioned.

Rather, this blog is an attempt to systematically delve into topics and question them using various sources and, in further steps, to find public data sources on these topics and systematically analyze the data. In doing so, I also want to learn how to handle data in order to draw correct conclusions from it.

This blog is therefore not only a documentation of personal interests, considerations and questions, but also of my learning process in dealing with data analysis and the development of tools to access or process this data.